Employee Spotlight - Sharalyn Williams

Sharalyn Williams is the Public Services Librarian and Circulation Supervisor at Chastek Library. Hired in December 2017, her main focus is to help students take a break and press pause on their studies through library-sponsored self-care, answer reference and research questions, teach in-class workshops on library resources, as well as manage the 20+ student employees working the circulation desk. She has created the semester-held Movie Night events, co-created the Chastek Library Trivia Night, and began scheduling the therapy dogs for semester visits. Raised in a military family until she was 18 years old, Sharalyn lived across the country in several states, as well as in Adana, Turkey. She first attended Centralia College where she received her A.A. degree, followed that up with Washington State University for her B.A. in English, and then graduated Beta Phi Mu from Emporia State University with her M.L.S. in 2015. Recently married, she and her husband, Brock, traveled to W...