Law reVIEW: Erin Brockovich

Law reVIEW is a blog series dedicated to investigating and reviewing both popular and documentary films in the Chastek Library film collection. E RIN BROCKOVICH (2000) Julia Roberts stars in this hugely popular dramatized biographical film portrayal of the life of single mom, legal clerk, and activist, Erin Brockovich. Supported by the wonderful Albert Finney as attorney Ed Masry, this film tells the tale of the 1996 Anderson, et al. v. Pacific Gas and Electric arbitration that became what was then the largest direct action settlement in U.S. history. Beginning in 1992, Brockovich, with Masry's expertise and support, builds a case against the utility giant upon discovering evidence that PG&E covered-up their role in contaminating Hinkley, California's water supply with cancer-causing hexavalent chromium decades before through their use of unlined wastewater disposal ponds. Erin Brockovich currently holds an 84% on Rotten Tomato...