Therapy Dogs at the Library


Therapy animals and the benefits of dog cuddles

Chastek Library will be hosting its first ever Therapy Dog event on April 27th and May 1st with the help of a wonderful local group known as Reading Rovers. Ellee and Faith, a mastiff and a flatcoated retriever pair, will be on-campus from 10am to 12pm to cuddle and help alleviate student stress before and during Spring finals week.

Pet therapy is well-known and well-documented by the Mayo clinic as aiding in reducing depression and fatigue symptoms, as well as helping people deal with stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that increased oxytocin from canine interactions especially can help reduce or lessen anxiety and blood pressure which may help with memory retention.

So if you’re missing your friends and animals from home, want to help lessen your finals week stress, or just want to pet a gentle giant, come down to the Kelley Reading Room on April 27th and May 1st and get your cuddle on with Faith and Ellee.

Grimm, D. (2015, April 16). How dogs stole our hearts. Science. Retrieved from 
The Mayo Clinic. (2016, Aug. 19). Who can benefit from animal-assisted therapy? Retrieved from



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