Non-Disclosure Agreements
SSB-5996 has been signed by Governor Inslee - effective date is 6/7/2018 and it is listed under Chapter 117, 2018 Laws.
Non-disclosure agreements, legislation takes aim
The issue of non-disclosure agreements came into
focus again in the media and across the nation last week due to the coverage
surrounding the dissolution of an untold number of NDAs following reports that
The Weinstein Co. has filed for bankruptcy.
NPR reports that The Weinstein Co. released all
confidentiality provisions “to the extent it has prevented individuals who
suffered or witnessed any form of sexual misconduct by Harvey Weinstein from
telling their stories.” It is not uncommon for employees of a company to sign a
NDA as it protects assets and company secrets. Black’s Law Dictionary (2014)
states that those signing are contractually bound to not disclose any
information shared by or discovered regarding procedures, trade secrets, or
other internal or proprietary matters (1215).
Across the country, legislators are producing
bills aimed at protecting future victims bound by NDAs that keep them from
telling their stories; and in Washington State, local politicians are taking
actions into their own hands. In December 2017, Senator Karen Keiser from the
33rd legislative district introduced a bill that makes it illegal for employers
to restrict what a victim of workplace sexual misconduct can say publicly. This
legislation states that an employer cannot “as a condition of employment,
require an employee to sign a nondisclosure agreement, waiver, or other
document that prevents the employee from disclosing sexual harassment or sexual
assault.” SSB 5996 passed the House and Senate and as of March 5th is now
awaiting a signature from Governor Inslee.
For additional information on NDAs, please visit
these sites:
Black’s Law Dictionary (10th ed.). (2014). St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters, 1215
Regarding Washington State’s battle against
NDAs, information can be found at and the bill can be located at
The Weinstein Co. Files for Bankruptcy, Cancels
Non-Disclosure Agreements. (2018, March 19).
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