E.U.'s New Privacy Regulations

Have you noticed updates to the privacy policies on your mobile apps recently?  Many apps have been updating their privacy policies to comply with the new EU privacy legislation that recently took effect May 25th

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one of the toughest privacy laws in the world today.  One of its effects will require companies doing business online in Europe to obtain express consent from users and be more upfront with the use of personal information.  Although this law only protects the 28 member countries of the European Union, many companies operating globally will need to comply with the regulation, which will protect customers around the world.  Depending on its success in Europe, this law may serve as a framework for a similar law here in the United States.  California’s proposed Consumer Privacy Act may be one of the first U.S. laws to contain GDPR inspired provisions. 

So next time you see one of those privacy notices pop up on your phone, take a closer look at how your privacy is protected, and be on the lookout for new cybersecurity laws coming in the near future.

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