President Trump Nominates Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court

Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Yesterday, President Trump announced his nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit for the United States Supreme Court.  Kavanaugh was once a law clerk for Justice Kennedy, whose seat he will fill if confirmed.

There have been many articles written recently about the nomination and Kavanaugh, however, students at Gonzaga Law have access to resources where they can read about Kavanaugh’s work straight from the source.  Check out our recent post on the Chastek Library Facebook page for instructions on how to research and read Kavanaugh’s opinions for yourself using Westlaw.   

Lexis Advance also provides a good overview of Kavanaugh’s career as a judge with links to dockets, opinions, secondary sources, and an “In the News” section.  There is also a data visualization of his ruling history.  To access this, log into Lexis Advance, click on the box in the upper-left corner of the screen and select “Litigation Profile Suite.” Change the drop-down menu to “Judge” and search for Kavanaugh. 

Now would be a great time to read up on Kavanaugh’s professional history as we await his confirmation hearing in the coming weeks.  If you would like additional assistance in researching Kavanaugh or other judges, please come visit us in the library.  We are happy to help!

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