Puppy Mills and Washington State

Iowa’s AG’s office is taking legal action to shut down a ‘puppy laundering’ ring that has been selling puppy mill puppies as rescue animals, circumventing the state’s puppy mill ban.[1] While not having an outright ban on puppy mills, Washington State has attempted to severely restrict the ability of puppy mills to exist through increased regulations on dog breeding facilities. These regulations include a limitation on the number of intact, unfixed dogs at a single location, specific space and enclosure requirements, housing facilities with strict sanitary requirements, and mandatory food and water access. [2]  But, puppy mills have continued to thrive in the wake of increased regulations. Just in the latter half of 2018, two illegal Chihuahua puppy mills were shut down in Stevens County and some 250+ dogs were taken to local rescue shelters.[3]

Recently, in an effort to further restrict the sale of puppy mill puppies statewide, House Bill 1640 was introduced in the Washington Legislature. This bill requires a retail pet store to sell only animals obtained from “an animal care and control agency or animal rescue group as defined in RCW 82.04.040”.[4] Addressing the possibility of mill puppies being substituted for rescued animals, the bill requires that “the retail pet store must post in a conspicuous location on each dog’s and cat’s cage or enclosure a sign listing the name and address of the animal care and control agency or animal rescue group from which the dog or cat was obtained.” Sadly, this still leaves open the use of classified ads, Craigslist, and other online retail spaces where animal sales have become more commonplace. Given the Iowa AG's case against several retail establishments masquerading mill puppies as rescued animals, it will be interesting to see where and how this Washington bill develops.

[1] Associated Press, Iowa AG Seeks To Shut Down Alleged ‘Puppy Laundering’ Ring, KCRG.com (March 19, 2019) https://www.kcrg.com/content/news/Iowa-AG-seeks-to-shut-down-alleged-puppy-laundering-ring-507353501.html

[3] King Staff, 255 Dogs Rescued From Illegal Puppy Mills in Washington, K5 News (October 2, 2019), https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/255-dogs-rescued-from-illegal-puppy-mills-in-washington/281-600326133

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