
Showing posts from March, 2018

Gerrymandering, the Supreme Court weighs in

Is gerrymandering illegal? Should it be? Can maps drawn to benefit one party over another violate one’s own constitutional right to equal protection? The SCOTUS heard arguments about Wisconsin’s political gerrymandering in October 2017 and has yet to issue a ruling. Earlier today, the justices heard additional arguments from Benisek v. Lamone, No. 17-333, which argues that the redistricting of a Maryland congressional district in 2011 violated the rights of plaintiffs under the First Amendment. To read the Gill v. Whitford oral arguments made in front of the SCOTUS on October 3, 2017, visit To read the Benisek v. Lamone oral arguments made in front of the SCOTUS on March 28, 2018, visit Credits: Liptak, A. (2018, March 28). Supreme Court Again Weighs Voting Maps Warped by Politics The New York Times. Re...

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Update SSB -5996 has been signed by Governor Inslee - effective date is 6/7/2018 and it is listed under Chapter 117, 2018 Laws. Non-disclosure agreements, legislation takes aim The issue of non-disclosure agreements came into focus again in the media and across the nation last week due to the coverage surrounding the dissolution of an untold number of NDAs following reports that The Weinstein Co. has filed for bankruptcy. NPR reports that The Weinstein Co. released all confidentiality provisions “to the extent it has prevented individuals who suffered or witnessed any form of sexual misconduct by Harvey Weinstein from telling their stories.” It is not uncommon for employees of a company to sign a NDA as it protects assets and company secrets. Black’s Law Dictionary (2014) states that those signing are contractually bound to not disclose any information shared by or discovered regarding procedures, trade secrets, or other internal or proprietary matters (1215). A...

Quimbee Now Available to Students

We are all very excited to announce that Chastek Library now subscribes to Quimbee!  Quimbee is an online study aid that provides law students with access to online case briefs, practice exams, and video lessons.  These resources will be sure to help you as you start studying for your spring finals! All Gonzaga Law students can sign up using your law school email address here . For students who already have a pre-existing account and wish to transfer it over to Gonzaga's subscription can contact for assistance.

Therapy Dogs at the Library

  Therapy animals and the benefits of dog cuddles Chastek Library will be hosting its first ever Therapy Dog event on April 27th and May 1st with the help of a wonderful local group known as Reading Rovers. Ellee and Faith, a mastiff and a flatcoated retriever pair, will be on-campus from 10am to 12pm to cuddle and help alleviate student stress before and during Spring finals week. Pet therapy is well-known and well-documented by the Mayo clinic as aiding in reducing depression and fatigue symptoms, as well as helping people deal with stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that increased oxytocin from canine interactions especially can help reduce or lessen anxiety and blood pressure which may help with memory retention. So if you’re missing your friends and animals from home, want to help lessen your finals week stress, or just want to pet a gentle giant, come down to the Kelley Reading Room on April 27th and May 1st and get your cuddle on with...